Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Feeling Frustrated

 I was so excited after organizing my kitchen and laundry room.  I couldn't wait for the rest of my home to be organized like that.  Unfortunately, I got side tracked.  I've realized that this is one of the common causes (at least in my house) for the lack of order.  I get in and start making progress on one project, only to be side-lined by some other project that needs to be attended to.

The good news is that not doing it all perfectly from the outset is normal.  I can also use this as a reality check and a chance to learn from my mistakes.  Rather than quitting because I'm frustrated, I am going to take a step back, take a breath and regroup.  Examine the situation to see exactly what is going on and where I can go from here.

Part of the problem is that I'm also still working on scheduling.  I can't set aside a whole day to get a task or room done the way I would like to.  So, I need to plan out my day to include those things that NEED to be done each day and then split the remaining time between spending time with my boy and one of the projects.  If I can schedule my day so that all of my project time is continuous, that will save me the time that it takes to get started and stopped multiple times as has been happening.

The next thing I need to do is prioritize my projects so that I can tackle them one at a time (with my newly set aside daily time).  This will allow me to quickly decide what to devote my time to each day and ensure that each project gets completed BEFORE I move on to the next project.  Since Bree will be here soon, the top projects on my list will be those that need to be done before she gets here.

Now that I have stopped and regrouped, I am excited again when I picture the completed project(s).  I just need to remember to pace myself and be realistic about my short term expectations for myself. 

Remember to give yourself that same leeway when you are tackling a large task in your life.  And if it looks overwhelming at the outset, break that giant task into smaller steps and take a break to reward yourself when you have completed some of these little steps.  It will help keep you going until you have finished that final step.

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