I know. At this time of year everyone is talking about this, but there's a reason. All too often, as we trudge through our daily lives, we forget to stop and appreciate all the things that are good in our lives. I heard a great analogy today (in regards to something else, but it fits).
The speaker said it was as if she had blinders on. She could not see anything on either side of her, only what was directly ahead. I know that I can very easily get caught up in my to-do list: what's the next things I HAVE to do, ok, what's the Next thing I have to do, and I go from one "have to do" item to the next without even looking up.
So, I want you to take a moment to stop all of your doing and going. Take a look around and see- really see- what you have.
Do you have someone who loves you? Think of your friends and family.
Are you and those you love healthy? Think of the things you can do with that great body of yours.
Do you have a passion in your life? Think of the things that bring you joy.
Is there beauty in your life? Think of the beautiful fall leaves out your window.
We all have something to be thankful for. I bet that if we stopped more than once a year to remember that, we'd be much happier and contented people. Today I am thankful for my son and his unabashed love (knowing that one day he will be more reluctant to show it) and for my husband who is so patient and supportive when I least deserve it and for my God who somehow loves me even more than my two boys do.
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