Wednesday, November 10, 2010


As I've mentioned before, two of the biggest challenges (for me, at least) are time and finances.  I'm going to spend some time researching good sources for tips and help in these areas and any others that you find useful.  If anyone has any good ideas or knows of a good website, etc for that kind of thing, please feel free to post a link.  I'll post links to any good ones I find as well.  There are so many good ideas out there!

One helpful idea that I found was for google calendar (  I had no idea there was such a thing. It's similar to the outlook calendar but it's online so you can access it (and update it) from anywhere- you'll never have "left it at home" as long as you can get on the internet.  It emails you when you have an appointment coming up.  of course, that's only helpful if you're on the computer.  I'll give it a try and let you know how it works.

A few other sites I have found that have lots of tips and ideas:
I have included helpful blogs on my blog list.  Hope these help!

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's ideas and findings!


  1. Yes!! is awesome and another favorite of mine is

    Good luck!

  2. Thanks for the tip Chrystal! I also forgot that and have the same coupons and sometimes additional ones that you can get in the Sunday paper w/o having to subscribe to the paper.
