Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My "Dream Big" List

For those of you (out of my whole two readers) who might be interested, here is my list.  It contains long term and short term goals.  Some will never be met simply because there is just not enough time to do the many things I would like to do and, if you haven't noticed, time management is NOT my strong suit.  I guess that's where prioritizing and being realistic come into play.

One of my goals used to be to ride in the Olympics.  Then I learned how expensive it is to take the many steps to get there- I didn't have the money or the connections to the people who would spend the money on a kid like me. But...thanks to my very supportive husband, I still get to have and work with horses (if I could just make time to ride).

Here are some current dreams/goals:
-Take a horseback riding vacation (ideally across Ireland where you can ride from inn to inn- if the kids get into horses, this can wait until they are old enough to go)
-Go on a cruise with Mike
-Take the kids snorkeling at a coral reef (when they're older, obviously)
-Have a clean and organized house so that I can have friends over and our kids can invite their friends over (I want to have the "hangout house" for the kids)
-Ride on a regular basis and compete again (not setting a level goal for this- first I've got to get back in the saddle, then the show ring)
-Have enough lesson students that the horses are paying for themselves
-Write my books!! Yes, I said books- it's a series...with a sequel series if I ever get that far and people are buying them.
-Spend time volunteering and involve my kids (the three big groups on my heart are home-bound, homeless, and imprisoned)
-Get in shape. I'm not worried so much about size (as long as Mike still likes me) but I want to be able to run and jump and ride and play with my kids. I want us to be an active, outdoor family and I think that starts with me.
-Cook at home. It's healthier, cheaper and would make use of the Thousands of cookbooks, magazines and other random recipes I have stashed around the house.
And the big one: Become better at time management- schedule out my to-dos ahead and actually do them when they are scheduled! Maybe I should have put this one first. It affects my ability to complete ALL of my other goals! Yeah, I'm working on it, but don't hold your breath. Not sure if I forget to put things on my list  or just don't get to some of the "need to be done" items, but somehow there is an "Oh, crap! I forgot to...!!" almost every day. And then I'm back to scrambling to catch up.  Mike thinks I just forget to check my list (which has been known to happen), so he has set me up with a phone with a calendar that I can set alarms on and Evernote so I can make as many lists as I want/need.  Like I said, I'm working on it.

Wish me luck! And good luck to you on yours!

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