Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Sun IS Still Shining

The last couple of days here have been grey and dreary. Yesterday morning, it was so dark that J thought he had woken up too early and went back to bed! This morning, as we drove to school, J noticed that we couldn't see where the sun was.

Now, he's a smart boy. Of course he knows the sun is still there but this gave us an opportunity to talk about God and life. We talked about how, even though we can't see the sun, it is shining just as bright today as it is on sunny days. The clouds are just in the way. And eventually the clouds will move on and we will be able to see the sun again.

Similarly, there will be clouds that come in our life; times that are dreary or difficult when we can't feel God there. That doesn't mean he isn't there. He is just as powerful and loves us just as much on days that are hard as on days that are fun and easy. And if we concentrate on the knowledge that he IS there and that he DOES love us, then we can get through those hard times until the clouds pass and the sun comes out again.

So, if you are having a cloudy, dreary, rainy season in your life, just remember:
God is still there.
God is still powerful.
God still loves you.
The clouds will pass.

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